Trailer Testers Benefits for Trailer Rental Companies
Trailer Manufacturers | Trailer Rental Firms | Fleet Managers | Repair Shops
Whether you rent trailers to consumers, or manage huge commercial leasing operations, your goals are pretty much the same – provide a reliable, safe experience for your customers while maximizing your profits! Every customer complaint, every minute of downtime, every traffic stop for non-working light and brake systems, every accident is COSTLY!
Ensuring your trailers are ready to go is vital. Doing this in the shortest amount of time with the shop people you have available can make these inspections and certifications cost effective and worth the effort. Trailer Testers are in use at places like Ryder trailers, XTRA Lease, Penske, and many local and regional rental yards every day helping ensure safety and maximizing profitability.
Trailer Testers can help make all the difference! Here’s how:
Trailer Testers Are:
- Guaranteed! Many of our testers carry a Five-Year “unconditional” warranty – the best in the industry
- Portable and reliable
- Rugged – built to take the heavy use and day-to-day punishment of rental company service technicians.
- Easy-to-use – Trailer Testers are so easy to use many customers report almost no training time.
- Dependable – keep the battery charged and Trailer Testers will always be ready to go!
Trailer Testers Deliver:
- Reduced rental costs as tests are done quickly, defective returns eliminated, and problems resolved immediately, before the trailer leaves your yard.
- Increased customer satisfaction! Trailers will always be road ready.
- Peace of mind – You can rest easy regarding legal concerns about functional light and brake systems when you fully test each trailer before it leaves your rental facility.
- Rapid ROI – Payback on a Trailer Tester is lightning fast.
- Significant productivity increases as tests on entire trailers can take 2 minutes!